Trying for Another

We've been on a 15 month journey trying for another baby. We've been blessed with our son, but we really want another baby. I should've started this 15 months ago, but here we go!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I can finally announce this!!

We're pregnant!!!! And it's sticking this time!! I had to wait and wait to announce this b/c we hadn't told our parents yet, but now it's out there!! About a month ago, we got a nice dark, surprise BFP! We were shocked b/c we were NOT trying. We weren't thinking about it, we weren't talking about it, nothing. We were pretty much done with the idea after that last miscarriage. But the Friday right before Father's Day, I woke up from this crazy dream and just had a weird feeling. In my dream, I had taken a pregnancy test and it was blazing positive. Well, when I woke up, I realized, that I should just do a test for the heck of it. I had a left-over internet cheapie that I hadn't used so I used it and holy cow, a line showed up. So I immediately went out and got a FRER test, without telling Kevin, and took it and it was very positive! I was shocked!! So I took a picture of it and sent it to Kevin and asked, "How did this happen??!" When he finally checked his phone, he couldn't believe it!

So, I progressively tested every few days and got what never happened with any of the miscarriages. I got darker lines each time, so I had a great feeling!! Got my hcg tested and progesterone tested and everything was checking out just fine! So here we are....8 wks along!! Yesterday we saw the heartbeat on ultrasound and we thrilled!