Trying for Another

We've been on a 15 month journey trying for another baby. We've been blessed with our son, but we really want another baby. I should've started this 15 months ago, but here we go!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Got a new pack of OPK's for this month! I use the internet cheapies from but I buy them on ebay. They're cheaper on ebay. I don't use these every month, but when I've used them, they're very reliable for me. Some people I've come across on message boards say they don't like them, but they work fine for me. Last month, I don't think I would've caught my O day had I not used them. So it's CD 5 today and I'll probably start them around CD 11. I'm also anxious to hear what the dr. has to say on Tuesday at my appointment. I feel like I'm finally doing some progressive in this whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck at your appointment! Make sure you write all your questions down so you don't forget.
